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A Healthy Mind

What does it mean to have a healthy mind?

It means to be mentally mature - to control your mind and not let it control you. Your thoughts have more power than you might be aware of. Before any action that takes place, there existed thoughts that were leading up to it. 

The way you see yourself, talk to yourself, treat yourself - all these things have a massive impact on your life.

Maybe you aren't succeeding in your job, or you just can't seem to loose weight, or maybe you have lost your motivation of enjoying life and find yourself just going through the motions

 - the answer to all these things is within yourself.

What YOU think and believe, will soon become reality. So, it is important that the things you believe aren't lies, but are positive.

Once you start to building up strength in your mind ,you will then apply it to your life. 

Saying no to things that hurt you.

Trusting yourself and knowing it is okay to be or react "differently" than others.

Not comparing yourself to the people around you who are on their own individual journeys.

Having control over your mind and building up this mental maturity will really give you freedom in your life!

I want to inspire you to try and share my thoughts and stories, from which you are welcome to learn from.

May this be a blessed journey for you all!


 a beautiful servant,

 a dangerous master."


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