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A Healthy Body

Your Body is a Temple. Be good to it, take care of it, nurture it.

This section is split up into two parts on how to achieve a healthy body:

A Healthy Diet

I will share my recipes and everything I have learnt about nutrition through my years of dance training. My tips will be very budget friendly, easy and nothing fancy like. Especially for struggeling students, like myself, it can be hard to find time or find the money to eat healthy. I think I have some great tips I can share, about saving money, not wasting food and prepping your meals for a busy week.

My Food Rule Book consists of:

  1. No Dairy 

  2. No Refined Sugar

  3. No Prosessed Foods

  4. No /Little empty Carbs/ Gluten

  5. No/ Little Meat 

  6. No drinking calories

  1. Yes to Foods in their Natural State

  2. Yes to Veggetables ALL THE WAY

  3. Yes to Fruit in moderation

  4. Yes to Protein

  5. Yes to Oats

  6. Yes to Salads and Soups 

  7. Drink Water!


Furthermore, since I am in professional dance training at the moment I would love to share my experience and how I keep fit. I have many tips and I will share workouts I do when I'm on a break. I have a whole YouTube Channel for this one too.

I have a lot of fun working out, it shouldn't be tortorus or a pain. 

I hope I can inspire everyone to love yourself and accept your body. We are all unique. Do not compare.

"You were given this life,

because you are strong enough to live it."

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